Mother Scholastica
Going back into history, we recall the story of Mother Scholastica's vocation.
Orsola was her baptismal name. In 1921, she met Fr. James Alberione, who had a special intuition about her. He asked her what her dreams were for the future, and at an appropriate moment he asked her, "When are you intending to join us?"
She answered, "On my part I would join now, but my family needs my financial help." In the soul of Orsola a clarity came about: "Lord, You alone!"
The holy priest said, "Make it soon, very soon."
This was a good nudge for her, which brought her determination and courage to its fruition. In the outside world, she met challenges and trials that caused interior purification and detachment, preparing her to embrace the new mission for which she was chosen.
She was a wonderful, peppy young woman whom any admirable young man would aspire to bring home as his wife. And there was one who sought her hand in marriage. Her father, Antonio, said, "Look at him. He is a good person. He is a man of means. If you like him, you could be happy with him." Orsola kept silent and chose to go to Mass instead. Upon returning home, she went to her room in front of the statue of the Sacred Heart. With full consciousness and strength of being, she said, "Lord, you alone are my all!" She felt interiorly wrapped by an immense light. A profound passage of the Holy Spirit inundated her being, causing a conversion. In her own words, "I began a more intense prayer life and greater love for sacrifice. Holy Mass and holy communion became my daily practice with weekly holy confession. In my reading I sought out helpful books like The Practice of The Love of Jesus Christ by St. Alphonsus and The Story of a Soul by St. Therese of the Child Jesus."
On Saturday, July 29, 1922, Orsola, then 25 years old, free and full of joy, left her town, her family, and her parish, and followed the divine call. She was accompanied by her father, who entrusted her into the hands of her new father in the faith, Fr. James Alberione.
As she entered the chapel for a visit to the Blessed Sacrament, from the depth of her being surged once more that "Lord, You alone are my all!" That immense light of the Holy Spirit, which never left her, at this moment was transformed into a most clear, sweet voice, saying: "It is here that I want you."